Our Values

A Place of Welcome  -We believe that some of God’s best work gets done around a table or a coffee pot or in conversation after heart-felt worship and in-between activities in our busy lives.  We enjoy each other’s company and enjoy welcoming others into our circle.  Church meals are memorable for food and personal connections.  Coffee hours on Sundays, picnics, teas, presentations on healthy eating and living are some of the ways that we experience welcome as sacramental occasions.


A Place of Growth  -We are challenged from the pulpit to dig beneath our surface assumptions about ourselves and our world.  Scripture begins to make sense not as a book of simple answers, but as spark for deeper questioning and opening.  We are inclusive of many viewpoints in our beliefs, and find ourselves growing as we come together and see each other not as stereotypes, but as people.


A Commitment to Evolution  -We see ourselves as living in a time of profound cultural transformation, of which the church is a part.  As the institutional church experiences decline in relevance for many, the hunger for spiritual connection and nurture increases.  We connect with our Christian tradition in a fresh way and welcome a new integration with science and other religions and spiritual paths.


A Suspension of Judgment  -We are becoming a home to many who have felt alienated from church.  We offer programs which encourage personal growth and allow people to share, without fear of judgment, their struggles and learnings.  Instead of experiencing Christianity as dogma to be forced upon us, many here are experiencing it as a pathway of exploration and meaning.


A Place of Engagement with the World  -We seek to live out our faith in the world through study and service.  We have marched and hosted large public events around climate change, working with multi-faith and civic groups.  We have contributed to food banks and fed the hungry.  We have practiced sustainable gardening and healthy eating.  We have encouraged and supported those who are leading efforts for justice across the globe.  We have welcomed the homeless and partnered to bring hope to those who struggle.


A Celebration of Life  -We are marked by joy.  Worship elicits laughter and tears.  There is structure and also spontaneity.  We embrace our full humanity and experience how near God seems when we are most open and at home with who we are.